To all my Christian friends…Happy Easter!
As a man of faith, I admire and respect all religions. Catholicism, Judaism, Latter Day Saints, Islam, Buddhists. We all worship one God. And on Sunday April 8, HE IS RISEN!
Central Christian – The Las Vegas based evangelical church (sixth largest in the nation) will host services Friday at 6:30 PM, Saturday at 2:30 PM, 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM and 7:00 PM, then Sunday at 9:00 AM, 10:20 AM, 11:45 AM and 1:15 PM. I will personally be at the Friday night service. Check out their Good Friday video at
Live Local, Give Local, Buy Local – I’m a huge believer in “giving back to the community where you get your newspaper.” Although I donate to several national charities, my focus is on local Las Vegas charities like Opportunity Village and Olive Crest. If you are a CEO in Las Vegas that does not support your local charities and community, I urge you to reconsider and help us put Las Vegas back on top again.
Tickets are still available for Be The Change, a benefit for Olive Crest (foster kids) May 18 at the LVH. The Godfather is hosting and Clint Holmes is performing. You can pay $75 to see him at the Smith Center from the back of the room, or donate $100 and meet him live and in person. We have sold 200 sponsorships and tickets, which only leaves 50 to go! Contact me at for all the details.
The Godfather will be speaking June 13 at the Gaming Technology Summit ( and November 6 at TribalNet ( The topic is The Godfather’s Career Guide.
Kentucky Derby Wide Open – Derby favorite Union Rags went up in flames in the Florida Derby at prohibitive 2-5 odds, then heavy favorite Mark Valeski got beat the next day in the Louisiana Derby by a 110-1 shot. I guess that is why they run them! If Union Rags goes off at 4-1 or more in the Kentucky Derby, might be a good play.